Musicalia > Manic Street Preachers > National Treasures - The Complete Singles
Destacado: 'Si abro los ojos no es real' es el tercer disco de Amaia Romero

National Treasures - The Complete Singles


Fecha de publicación del disco: 25 de octubre de 2011

01.Motown Junk - Single (1990)
02.Stay Beautiful - Generation Terrorists (1991)
03.Love's Sweet Exile - Generation Terrorists (1991)
04.You Love Us - Generation Terrorists (1992)
05.Slash ‘N' Burn - Generation Terrorists (1992)
06.Motorcycle Emptiness - Generation Terrorists (1992)
07.Suicide Is Painless - Theme From M*A*S*H* (1992)
08.Little Baby Nothing - Generation Terrorists (1992)
09.From Despair To Where - Gold Against The Soul (1993)
10.La tristesse durera - Gold Against The Soul (1993)
11.Roses In The Hospital - Gold Against The Soul (1993)
12.Life Become A Landslide - Gold Against The Soul (1993)
13.Faster - The Holy Bible (1994)
14.Revol - The Holy Bible (1994)
15.She Is Suffering - The Holy Bible (1994)
16.A Design For Life - Everything Must Go (1996)
17.Everything Must Go - Everything Must Go (1996)
18.Kevin Carter - Everything Must Go (1996)
19.Australia - Everything Must Go (1996)
20.If You Tolerate This Your Children - This Is My Truth Tell Me Yours (1998)
21.The Everlasting - This Is My Truth Tell Me Yours (1998)
22.You Stole The Sun From My Heart - This Is My Truth Tell Me Yours (1998)
23.Tsunami - This Is My Truth Tell Me Yours (1998)
24.The Masses Against The Classes - Single (2000)
25.So Why So Sad - Know Your Enemy (2001)
26.Found That Soul - Know Your Enemy (2001)
27.Ocean Spray -Know Your Enemy (2001)
28.Let Robeson Sing - Know Your Enemy (2001)
29.There By The Grace Of God - Forever Delayed (2002)
30.The Love of Richard Nixon - Lifeblood (2004)
31.Empty Souls - Lifeblood (2004)
32.You Love Alone Is Not Enough - Send Away The Tigers (2007)
33.Autumsong - Send Away The Tigers (2007)
34.Indian Summer - Send Away The Tigers (2007)
35.(It's Not War) Just The End Of Love - Postcards From A Young Man (2010)
36.Some Kind Od Nothingness - Postcards From A Young Man (2010)
37.Postcards From A Young Man - Postcards From A Young Man (2010)
38.This Is The Day - National Treasures (2011)

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Manic Street Preachers: National Treasures - The Complete Singles - portada mediana
Celebrando su 21 aniversario
El disco te parece que es:

National Treasures - The Complete Singles es un álbum que recopila los singles de Manic Street Preachers, celebrando el 21 aniversario del primero, "Motown Junk". 38 temas en total, con canciones de cada uno de sus 10 álbumes de estudio. Y un nuevo sencillo.

This the day es una versión de un tema de Matt Johnson, líder de The The.

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