Musicalia > Sheppard > Bombs away > Geronimo
Destacado: 'Hurry up tomorrow' es el sexto álbum de estudio de The Weeknd
El disco te parece que es:

Sheppard, es una banda formada en Brisbane (Australia) en 2011 por los jóvenes hermanos Sheppard: George, Amy y Emma. Los hermanos Sheppard crecieron en Papúa Nueva Guinea antes de trasladarse Australia. Al poco tiempo unieron fuerzas con Jay Bovino, Michael Butler y Dean Gordon y comenzaron a componer canciones de power pop entusiastas.

Con Geronimo alcanzan la cifra de 9 semanas nº1 en listas de radio, canción más etiquetada en Shazam y Single Platino en Australia.

"El sonido de Sheppard te impregna de una manera especial por su energía positiva y la promesa de diversión asegurada".


Can you feel it?
Now it's coming back
We can steal it
If we bridge this gap
I can see you
Through the curtains of the waterfall

When I lost it
Yeah you held my hand
But I tossed it
Didn't understand
You were waiting
As I dove into the waterfall

So say Geronimo
Say Geronimo
Say Geronimo
Say Geronimo
Say Geronimo
Say Geronimo
Say Geronimo
Can you feel my love
(Bombs away, bombs away, bombs away)
Can you feel my love
(Bombs away, bombs away, bombs away)
Say Geronimo

Well we rushed it
Moving way to fast
That we crushed it
But it's in the past
We can make this leap
Through the curtains of the waterfall

So say Geronimo
Say Geronimo
Say Geronimo
Say Geronimo
Say Geronimo
Say Geronimo
Say Geronimo
Can you feel my love
(Bombs away, bombs away, bombs away)
Can you feel my love
(Bombs away, bombs away, bombs away)

We'll I'm just a boy
With a broken toy
All lost and coy
At the curtains of the waterfall
So it's here I stand
As a broken man
But I found my friend
At the curtains of the waterfall
Now I'm falling down, through the crashing sound
And you've come around
At the curtains of the waterfall
And you rush to me and it sets us free
So I fall to my knees
At the curtains of the waterfall

So say Geronimo
Say Geronimo
Say Geronimo
Say Geronimo
Say Geronimo
Say Geronimo
Say Geronimo
Say Geronimo
Can you feel my love (Say Geronimo)
Bombs away, bombs away, bombs away (Say Geronimo)
Can you feel my love (Say Geronimo)
Bombs away, bombs away, bombs away (Say Geronimo)
Say Geronimo

* Las letras de canciones están protegidas por las leyes de derechos de autor y son propiedad de sus respectivos titulares. En se utilizan exclusivamente para promocionar e informar sobre los trabajos de los artistas