Musicalia > Alfie Templeman > Radiosoul > Hello lonely
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Hello lonely es uno de los adelantos del disco Radiosoul de Alfie Templeman (2024). Estreno del video oficial el 2 de mayo de 2024.



Pull up a chair and tell me how you’ve been feeling
Sometimes distant lovers tent to get lost
Look into my eyes they want to find meaning
Know that when I fall I want to land soft

Round and round and round again its plays on my mind
Cause I haven’t found the time to let go
Round and round and round again so hard to unwind
I don’t know where its going, god knows

Back when days were friends of mine
I killed them and i I let them die slowly
Now I’m lonely
Nothing is forever but forever's always whispering closely
Hello lonely

I’m the shoe you see hanging from the cable
Somewhere there’s another left in the dirt
Only person sitting up at the table
Why’s it so damn hard to say that it hurts

Round and round and round again its plays on my mind
Cause I haven’t found the time to let go
Round and round and round again so hard to unwind
I don’t know where its going, god knows

Back when days were friends of mine
I killed them and I let them die slowly
Now I’m lonely
Nothing is forever but forever's always whispering closely
Hello lonely

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