Musicalia > Beyoncé > Beyoncé
Destacado: 'Dolce vita' es el nuevo disco de Amaral


Soul - R&B

Fecha de publicación del disco: 13 de diciembre de 2013

1.Pretty hurts
3.Drunk in love - con Jay Z
9.Mine - con Drake
11.***Flawless - con Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
12.Superpower - con Frank Ocean
14.Blue - con Blue Ivy

Un disco visual
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Quinto disco de estudio solista de Beyoncé, en principio en exclusiva en iTunes, días antes de su lanzamiento en soporte físico (CD+DVD - 20 de diciembre de 2014). Lleva el nombre de la artista, y es su primer álbum visual. Contiene 14 canciones y 17 vídeos "sorprendentes y visualmente provocativos", grabados alrededor del mundo desde Houston, Nueva York o París, hasta Sydney o Rio de Janeiro, antes del lanzamiento del álbum.

"Yo veo la música", dice Beyoncé sobre su decisión de crear un álbum visual. "Es más de lo que puedo escuchar. Cuando estoy conectada a algo, inmediatamente veo una imagen o una serie de imágenes que están conectadas a un sentimiento o una emoción, un recuerdo de cuando era pequeña, pensamientos sobre la vida, mis sueños y fantasías. Y todos están conectados con la música".

"No quería publicar mi nuevo disco como lo había hecho hasta ahora", dice. "Estoy aburrida de eso. Siento que puedo comunicarme directamente con mis fans. Hay tantas cosas entre la música, la artista y los fans. No quería que nadie supiera cuándo publicaría mi nuevo álbum. Quería que saliera a la venta cuando estuviese terminado, directamente desde mí para mis fans".

Sin campañas de márketing o teasers, este proyecto da prioridad al arte por sobre la publicidad. Tratándose de una artista cuyo material ha sido filtrado en ocasiones, se ha diseñado un meticuloso plan preventivo. El álbum se ofrece como una unidad en la que cada canción y cada vídeo se pueden comprar conjuntamente.

Aunque no es un álbum conceptual, este álbum ha sido diseñado para disfrutarse como una sola pieza audiovisual. La antítesis del lanzamiento de singles, el álbum visual es un viaje no-lineal a través de los pensamientos y visiones de Beyoncé.

Facebook estrena de manera exclusiva la Primera Parte de Self-Titled, un mini documental que da una idea general de todo el proyecto. En él se dan detalles de la visión artística que se mantuvo durante la grabación de BEYONCÉ. Al adoptar un formato digital en constante evolución, Beyoncé crea una experiencia innovadora, inmersiva y multiplataforma para el primer álbum visual de su carrera, cambiando así la manera en que sus fans consuman su música.

Una artista que no se queda sólo con los éxitos del pasado, Beyoncé lucha por seguir evolucionando, retándose a sí misma y siempre elevando un poco más el listón. Este proceso creativo dió a Beyoncé el poder sobre su música y le proporcionó la oportunidad de controlar cómo quería que se escuchara. Ella no obedece las reglas y rompe con lo que se espera, prefiriendo publicar el nuevo álbum como una unidad.

Beyoncé, que también es compositora, productora y directora, reúne a un grupo de lujo de artistas, compositores, productores y directores de vídeo en su primer álbum visual que incluye a Jay Z, Timbaland, Justin Timberlake, Pharrell Williams, Drake, The Dream, Sia, Ryan Tedder, Miguel, Frank Ocean, Hit Boy, Ammo, Boots, Detail, Jake Nava, Hype Williams, Terry Richardson, Melina Matsoukas, Jonas Åkerlund, Ricky Saiz, Pierre Debusschere, @lilinternet, Noah "40" Shebib, Francesco Carrozzini, Caroline Polachek, Ed Burke, Bill Kirstein y Todd Tourso.

Ha grabado en todo el mundo durante un año, pero las grabaciones iniciales comenzaron después de que los autores y productores se reunieran en The Hamptons, la playa cerca de Nueva York, en el verano de 2012 para vivir juntos, trabajar juntos y sumergirse en el mundo de la artista, y sus ideas. Los fans que han crecido con la artista, lo suficientemente maduros para compartir esta experiencia, inspiran este álbum, con canciones que exploran el amor, la pérdida, el miedo, la rabia, la honestidad, la alegría, la sexualidad y la confianza en sí mismo.

En cuanto a los vídeos, algunos de los cuales ella co-dirigió, prefirió trabajar de una manera más libre. Los vídeos, grabados en su mayoría durante su exitosa gira "Mrs. Carter Show World Tour" se han mantenido en secreto, a pesar de ser grabados en sitios abiertos, incluyendo una playa en Brasil, las called de NYC, y la famosa montaña rusa Cyclone en Coney Island, Nueva York, el centro de Los Angeles, un "chateau" en París, una pista de patinaje en Houston, Tejas donde ella solía patinar cuando era pequeña, y una hermosa iglesia en América del Sur. Ha mezclado imágenes que buscan capturar la espontaneidad y honestidad de cada momento. Los vídeos son visualmente atractivos, cargados de imágenes cinematográficas y una narración inteligente. Capturan cada uno de los aspectos de su persona, también con su vulnerabilidad e imperfecciones.

Beyoncé es un explosivo y directo comunicado visual y sonoro a sus fans de parte de una artista que se ha ganado el derecho de hacer las cosas como quiere. "Sólo quiero ofrecer el álbum a la gente que quiero y respeto, y espero que ellos también sientan lo mismo que sentí yo al grabarlo", dice Beyoncé.

Créditos de las canciones (en inglés)

Pretty hurts
Written by Joshua Coleman, Sia Furler, Beyoncé Knowles / Published by Each Note Counts/Prescription Songs (ASCAP) administered by Kobalt Songs Music Publishing, Inc. (ASCAP), EMI Music Publishing, Ltd. (ASCAP), WB Music Corp. (ASCAP) and Oakland 13 Music (ASCAP) all rights administered by WB Music Corp. OBO itself and Oakland 13 Music / Produced by Ammo for Prescription Songs and Beyoncé Knowles / Vocals produced by Beyoncé Knowles / Recorded by Stuart White at Kings Landing, Bridgehampton, NY and Jungle City Studios & Oven Studios, NYC / 2nd engineering by Ramon Rivas and Rob Suchecki / Intro additional synth and SFX by Derek Dixie / Mastered by James Krausse

Written by BOOTS and Beyoncé Knowles / Published by Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp. (BMI), Songs of Roc Nation Music (BMI), and In Souls (BMI) all rights administered by Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp. (BMI), WB Music Corp. (ASCAP) and Oakland 13 Music (ASCAP) all rights administered by WB Music Corp. OBO itself and Oakland 13 Music / Produced by BOOTS and Beyoncé Knowles / Vocals produced by Beyoncé Knowles / Recorded by BOOTS and Stuart White at Jungle City Studios & Oven Studios, NYC / 2nd engineering by Ramon Rivas / All instruments performed by BOOTS / Additional drum programming by Hit-Boy for Hit-Boy Music/Very Good Beats Inc. / Background vocals performed by BOOTS / Additional background vocals by Kwane Wyatt / Mixed by Tony Maserati and Stuart White at Mirrorball Studios, North Hollywood, CA / Mix engineered by James Krausse and Justin Hergett / Mix consulted by Derek Dixie / Mastered by Tom Coyne and Aya Merrill at Sterling Sound, NYC

Drunk in love (con Jay Z)
Written by Noel Fisher, Beyoncé Knowles, Shawn Carter, Andre Eric Proctor, Rasool Diaz, Brian Soko, T.Mosley, J.Harmon / Published by EMI Blackwood Music Inc. OBO Itself and If You Need Me Don't Leave Me (BMI), WB Music Corp. (ASCAP) and Oakland 13 Music (ASCAP) all rights administered by WB Music Corp. OBO itself and Oakland 13 Music, WB Music Corp. (ASCAP) and Carter Boys Music (ASCAP) all rights administered by WB Music Corp. OBO itself and Carter Boys Music, Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp. (BMI) and The Order Music (BMI) all rights administered by Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp. OBO itself and The Order Music, VB Rising Music Publishing/Ole (ASCAP), Jerome Harmon Publishing (BMI) and Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp. (BMI) administered by Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp / Produced by Noah “Detail” Fisher and Beyoncé Knowles / Additional production by Timbaland for Timbaland Productions, Inc., Jerome Harmon for Bronze and Brainz/Timbaland Productions, BOOTS, and Brian Soko / Vocals produced by Beyoncé Knowles / Recorded by Stuart White at Jungle City Studios & Oven Studios, NYC / Assistant engineering by Ramon Rivas / All instruments performed by BOOTS / Additional background vocals by BOOTS / Additional synth sounds by Derek Dixie / Mixed by Tony Maserati and Stuart White at Mirrorball Studios, North Hollywood, CA / Mix engineered by James Krausse, assistant mix engineering by Justin Hergett and Tyler J Scott / Mix consulted by Derek Dixie / Mastered by Tom Coyne and Aya Merrill at Sterling Sound, NYC

JAY Z appears courtesy of Roc Nation

Written by Pharrell Williams, Beyoncé Knowles, James Fauntleroy, T.Mosley, J.Harmon, Justin Timberlake / Published by EMI April Music, Inc. OBO Itself and More Water From Nazareth (ASCAP), WB Music Corp. (ASCAP) and Oakland 13 Music (ASCAP) all rights administered by WB Music Corp. OBO itself and Oakland 13 Music, Fauntleroy Music/Almo Music Corp (ASCAP), VB Rising Music Publishing/Ole (ASCAP), Jerome Harmon Publishing (BMI) and Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp. (BMI) administered by Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp., Tennman Tunes (ASCAP)/Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC (ASCAP) / Produced by Pharrell Williams and Beyoncé Knowles / Co-produced by Timbaland for Timbaland Productions, Inc. and Jerome Harmon for Bronze and Brainz/Timbaland Productions / Vocals produced by Beyoncé Knowles / Recorded by Stuart White, Chris Godbey for Side by Side/JVU Ent., Bart Schoudel, and Andrew Coleman for i am OTHER Entertainment at Jungle City Studios & Oven Studios, NYC / 2nd engineering by Ramon Rivas, assistant engineering by Matt Weber / Digital editing and arrangement by Andrew Coleman and Stuart White / Background vocals by Pharrell Williams and Timbaland / Horns by Katty Rodriguez, Adison Evans and Crystal Torres and arranged by Derek Dixie / Mixed by Stuart White at The Mix Room, North Hollywood, CA / Mix engineered by Justin Hergett, assisted by James Krausse, Paul Pavao and Edward Valldejuli / Mix consulted by Derek Dixie / Mastered by Tom Coyne and Aya Merrill at Sterling Sound, NYC

Written by Caroline Polachek, Beyoncé Knowles, James Fauntleroy / Published by Avant-Garcon (SESAC), WB Music Corp. (ASCAP) and Oakland 13 Music (ASCAP) all rights administered by WB Music Corp. OBO itself and Oakland 13 Music, Fauntleroy Music/Almo Music Corp (ASCAP) / Produced by Caroline Polachek and Beyoncé Knowles / Vocals produced by Beyoncé Knowles / Additional production by BOOTS / Recorded by Caroline Polachek at Russell's Of Clapton, London and Fetalmaus Studio, NYC and Stuart White at Jungle City Studios & Oven Studios, NYC / 2nd engineering by Ramon Rivas / Synths and drum programming by Caroline Polachek / Mixed by Andrew Scheps at Punker Pad West, Van Nuys, CA / Additional mixing by Stuart White, assistant mix engineering by Justin Hergett / Mastered by Tom Coyne and Aya Merrill at Sterling Sound, NYC

Written by Terius Nash, Beyoncé Knowles, Justin Timberlake, T.Mosley, J.Harmon, Dwane Weir p/k/a Key Wayne, Mike Dean / Publishing by 2082 Music Publishing (ASCAP)/WB Music Corp. administered by WB Music Corp., WB Music Corp. (ASCAP) and Oakland 13 Music (ASCAP) all rights administered by WB Music Corp. OBO itself and Oakland 13 Music, Tennman Tunes (ASCAP)/Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC (ASCAP), VB Rising Music Publishing/Ole (ASCAP), Jerome Harmon Publishing (BMI)/Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp. (BMI) administered by Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp., Dwane M. Weir II/Sean Michael Anderson Music LLC/Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp. (BMI), Papa George Music (BMI) / Produced by Timbaland for Timbaland Productions, Inc. and Jerome Harmon for Bronze and Brainz/Timbaland Productions, Justin Timberlake, Beyoncé Knowles, and Key Wane / Vocals produced by Beyoncé Knowles / Additional production by Mike Dean #MWA for Dean’s List Productions and BOOTS / Recorded by Stuart White, Chris Godbey for Side by Side/JVU Ent., Ann Mincieli and Bart Schoudel at Jungle City Studios & Oven Studios, NYC / 2nd engineering by Ramon Rivas, assistant engineering by Matt Weber / Background vocals by Justin Timberlake and Terius “The-Dream” Nash / Additional synth sounds by Niles Hollowell-Dhar (The Cataracs) and Derek Dixie / Spoken words recording by Hajiba Fahmy / Mixed by Tony Maserati and Stuart White at Mirrorball Studios, North Hollywood, CA / Mix engineering by James Krausse, assistant mix engineering by Justin Hergett, Chris Tabron, and Matt Wiggers / Mix consulted by Derek Dixie / Mastered by Tom Coyne and Aya Merrill at Sterling Sound, NYC

Written by Noel Fisher, Beyoncé Knowles, Andre Eric Proctor, Rasool Diaz, Brian Soko, BOOTS / Published by EMI Blackwood Music Inc. OBO itself and If You Need Me Don't Leave Me (BMI), WB Music Corp. (ASCAP) and Oakland 13 Music (ASCAP) all rights administered by WB Music Corp. OBO itself and Oakland 13 Music, Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp. (BMI) and The Order Music (BMI) all rights administered by Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp. OBO itself and The Order Music, Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp. (BMI), Songs of Roc Nation Music (BMI), and In Souls (BMI) all rights administered by Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp. (BMI) / Produced by Noah “Detail” Fisher and Beyoncé Knowles / Vocals produced by Beyoncé Knowles / Additional production by BOOTS, Hit-Boy for Hit-Boy Music/Very Good Beats Inc., and Andre Proctor / Recorded by Stuart White at Jungle City Studios & Oven Studios, NYC / 2nd engineering by Ramon Rivas and Rob Suchecki, assisted by Carlos Perezdeanda / Background vocals by BOOTS / Instruments played by BOOTS / Mixed by Tony Maserati at Mirrorball Studios, North Hollywood, CA / Mix engineered by Stuart White, James Krausse and Justin Hergett / Mix consulted by Derek Dixie / Mastered by Tom Coyne and Aya Merrill at Sterling Sound, NYC

Written by Miguel Jontel Pimentel, Beyoncé Knowles, Justin Timberlake, T.Mosley, J.Harmon / Published by Art Dealer Chic (ASCAP)/Universal Music Corp. (ASCAP), WB Music Corp. (ASCAP) and Oakland 13 Music (ASCAP) all rights administered by WB Music Corp. OBO itself and Oakland 13 Music, Tennman Tunes (ASCAP)/Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC (ASCAP), VB Rising Music Publishing/Ole (ASCAP), Jerome Harmon Publishing (BMI)/Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp. (BMI) administered by Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp. / Produced by Timbaland for Timbaland Productions, Inc. and Beyoncé Knowles / Co-produced by Jerome Harmon for Bronze and Brainz productions/Timbaland Productions / Vocals produced by Beyoncé Knowles/ Recorded by Stuart White and Chris Godbey for Side by Side/JVU Ent. at Jungle City Studios & Oven Studios, NYC / 2nd engineering by Ramon Rivas, assistant engineering by Matt Weber / Background vocals by Justin Timberlake / Guitar by Mike Scott / Bass by Dwayne Wright / Mixed by Chris Godbey for Side by Side/JVU Ent., assistant mix engineering by Chris Cannon / Mastered by Tom Coyne and Aya Merrill at Sterling Sound, NYC

Mine (Con Drake)
Written by Noah Shebib, Aubrey Drake Graham, Beyoncé Knowles, Jordan Kenneth Cooke Ullman, Sidney “Omen” Brown, Dwane Weir p/k/a Key Wane / Published by Mavor & Moses LLC (ASCAP) all rights administered by Kobalt Songs Music Publishing, Inc., EMI Blackwood Music Inc. OBO itself and Live Write LLC (BMI), WB Music Corp. (ASCAP) and Oakland 13 Music (ASCAP) all rights administered by WB Music Corp. OBO itself and Oakland 13 Music, WB Music Corp. OBO itself and OTEK Publishing (ASCAP), Missing Link Music OBO Elaborate Muzik Workshop (ASCAP), Dwane M. Weir II/Sean Michael Anderson Music LLC/Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp. (BMI) / Produced by Noah “40” Shebib for Evdon Music, Inc. / Additional production by Majid Jordan and Sidney "Omen" Brown / Vocals produced by Beyoncé Knowles / Recorded by Noah "40" Shebib and Noel Cadastre for Evdon Music Inc. and Stuart White at Jungle City Studios & Oven Studios, NYC / 2nd engineering by Ramon Rivas / Additional drum programming by Omen / Intro keys and intro programming by Key Wane / Mixed by Noel "Gadget" Campbell for T.O. Music Group at Studio 306, Toronto, Canada / Mastered by Tom Coyne and Aya Merrill at Sterling Sound, NYC

Drake appears courtesy of Young Money/Cash Money Records

Written by Terius Nash, Ryan Tedder, Beyoncé Knowles / Published by 2082 Music Publishing (ASCAP)/WB Music Corp. administered by WB Music Corp., Write 2 Live (ASCAP) administered worldwide by Kobalt Music Publishing America Inc, WB Music Corp. (ASCAP) and Oakland 13 Music (ASCAP) all rights administered by WB Music Corp. OBO itself and Oakland 13 Music / Produced by Terius “The-Dream” Nash for since 1977, Ryan Tedder, and Beyoncé Knowles / Additional production by Hit-Boy for Hit-Boy Music/Very Good Beats Inc./ Vocals produced by Beyoncé Knowles / Recorded by Ryan Tedder at Trackdown Studios, Sydney, Australia & Tritonus Studios, Berlin, Germany and Stuart White and Bart Schoudel at Jungle City Studios & Oven Studios, NYC / 2nd engineering by Ramon Rivas, assistant engineering by Justin Hergett / All instruments and programming by Ryan Tedder / Additional piano by Terius “The-Dream” Nash / Background vocals by Ryan Tedder and The-Dream / Mixed by Andrew Scheps at Punkerpad West, Van Nuys, CA / Mastered by Tom Coyne and Aya Merrill at Sterling Sound, NYC

***Flawless (con Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie)
Written by Terius Nash, Beyoncé Knowles, Chauncey Hollis, Rey Reel Music / Published by 2082 Music Publishing (ASCAP)/WB Music Corp. administered by WB Music Corp., WB Music Corp. (ASCAP) and Oakland 13 Music (ASCAP) all rights administered by WB Music Corp. OBO itself and Oakland 13 Music, Songs of Universal, Inc./U Can't Teach Bein’ The Shhh (BMI), Rey Reel Music / Produced by Hit-Boy for Hit-Boy Music/Very Good Beats Inc. and Beyoncé Knowles / Co-produced by Rey Reel Music / Additional production by BOOTS / Vocals produced by Beyoncé Knowles / Recorded by Stuart White and Jordan "DJ Swivel" Young at Kings Landing, Bridgehampton, NY and Jungle City Studios & Oven Studios, NYC / 2nd engineering by Ramon Rivas and Rob Suchecki, assistant engineering by Tyler Scott / Mixed by Tony Maserati and Stuart White at Mirrorball Studios, North Hollywood, CA / Mix engineered by Justin Hergett and James Krausse / Mix consulted by Derek Dixie / Mastered by Tom Coyne and Aya Merrill at Sterling Sound, NYC
STAR SEARCH footage excerpt courtesy of CBS Television Distribution and the Ed McMahon Estate, "We Should All Be Feminists" written and spoken by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Superpower (con Frank Ocean)
Written by Pharrell Williams, Frank Ocean, Beyoncé Knowles / Published by EMI April Music, Inc. OBO Itself and More Water From Nazareth (ASCAP), Heavens Research / BMG Bumblebee (BMI), WB Music Corp. (ASCAP) and Oakland 13 Music (ASCAP) administered by WB Music Corp. OBO itself and Oakland 13 Music / Produced by Pharrell Williams / Vocals produced by Beyoncé Knowles / Additional production by BOOTS / Recorded by Stuart White, Andrew Coleman for i am OTHER Entertainment, Mike Larson and James Krausse at Jungle City Studios & Oven Studios, NYC and Mirrorball Studios North Hollywood, CA / Assistant engineering by Ramon Rivas and Matt Webber / Digital editing and arrangement by Andrew Coleman and Stuart White / Background vocals by Kelly Rowland, Michelle Williams, Stefan Skarbek, and BOOTS / Violins arranged and performed by Margot / Mixed by Tony Maserati at Mirrorball Studios, North Hollywood, CA and Clockworks Studios, Brooklyn, NY, assistant mix engineering by Justin Hergett / Mastered by Tom Coyne and Aya Merrill at Sterling Sound, NYC

Frank Ocean appears courtesy of Island Def Jam Music Group

Written by BOOTS and Beyoncé Knowles / Published by Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp. (BMI), Songs of Roc Nation Music (BMI), and In Souls (BMI) all rights administered by Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp. (BMI), WB Music Corp. (ASCAP) and Oakland 13 Music (ASCAP) all rights administered by WB Music Corp. OBO itself and Oakland 13 Music / Produced by BOOTS and Beyoncé Knowles / Vocals produced by Beyoncé Knowles / Recorded by BOOTS, Stuart White and Rob Cohen at Westlake Recording Studios, West Hollywood, CA and Jungle City Studios & Oven Studios, NYC / 2nd engineering by Ramon Rivas, assistant engineering by Christian Humphreys / All instruments performed by BOOTS / Mixed by Tony Maserati and Stuart White at Mirrorball Studios, North Hollywood, CA / Mix engineered by James Krausse, assistant engineering by Justin Hergett / “The Lord’s Prayer” recited by Melissa Vargas / Mastered by Tom Coyne and Aya Merrill at Sterling Sound, NYC

Blue (con Blue Ivy)
Written by BOOTS and Beyoncé Knowles / Published by Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp. (BMI), Songs of Roc Nation Music (BMI), and In Souls (BMI) all rights administered by Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp. (BMI), WB Music Corp. (ASCAP) and Oakland 13 Music (ASCAP) all rights administered by WB Music Corp. OBO itself and Oakland 13 Music / Produced by BOOTS and Beyoncé Knowles / Vocals produced by Beyoncé Knowles / Recorded by BOOTS, Stuart White and Jonathan Lee at Jungle City Studios & Oven Studios, NYC / 2nd engineering by Ramon Rivas, assistant engineering by Justin Hergett and James Krausse / Piano, drums, guitar, keyboards played by BOOTS / Live drums played by Steven Wolf / Violins arranged and performed by Margot / Additional vocals by Blue Ivy / Mixed by Tony Maserati at Jungle City Studios & Oven Studios, NYC and Clockworks Studios, Brooklyn, NY/ Mastered by Tom Coyne and Aya Merrill at Sterling Sound, NYC

Platinum Edition Box Set
El 24 de noviembre de 2014 se publica la reedición del disco en edición limitada de 2 CD + 2 DVD con contenidos extra. Nuevas canciones como 7/11 y Ring off, además de cuatro remixes inéditos con colaboraciones de Kanye West, Jay Z, Nicki Minaj, Mr. Vegas y Pharrell Williams.

- Audio adicional en CD con dos nuevas canciones y cuatro remixes inéditos
2.Flawless (Remix) - con Nicki Minaj - Beyoncé Knowles, Terius Nash, Chauncey Hollis, Rey Reel, Onika Maraj
3.Drunk in love (Remix) - con Jay Z y Kanye West - Beyoncé Knowles, Noel Fisher, Shawn Carter, Andre Eric Proctor, Rasool Diaz, Brian Soko, Timothy Mosley, Jerome Harmon, Kanye West
4.Ring off
5.Blow (Remix) - con Pharrell Williams - Beyoncé Knowles, Pharrell Williams, James Fauntleroy, Timothy Mosley, Jerome Harmon, Justin Timberlake
6.Standing on the sun (Remix) - con Mr. Vegas - Beyoncé Knowles, Sia Furler, Clifford Smith, Greg Kurstin

- DVD en directo que incluye diez actuaciones en directo de Mrs. Carter Show World Tour con comentarios de la artista y librillo de fotos.
1.Run the world (Girls)
3.Get me bodied
6.Drunk in love - con Jay Z
7.1 + 1

- El CD de audio original BEYONCÉ con 14 canciones y librillo de fotos

- DVD original BEYONCÉ con 17 videoclips

- El mini calendario oficial Beyoncé 2015

Los fans que ya tengan el álbum visual BEYONCÉ en formato digital, tienen la oportunidad de comprar sólo el material adicional.

Cortometraje Yours and mine - vídeo retrospectivo que celebra el primer aniversario del lanzamiento del álbum visual

Avances de 30 segundos de los videoclips

Self-Titled Part 1. The Visual Album

Self-Titled Part 2. Imperfection

Self-Titled Part 3. Run 'N Gun

Self-Titled Part 4. Liberation

Self-Titled Part 5. Honesty

Portada del libreto del disco Beyoncé

Canciones (letra, audio, vídeo)

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