Musicalia > Father John Misty > Greatish hits: I followed my dreams and my dreams said to crawl
Destacado: 'El último día de nuestras vidas' es el nuevo disco de Dani Martín

Greatish hits: I followed my dreams and my dreams said to crawl

Indie - Folk - Rock

Fecha de publicación del disco: 31 de julio de 2024

1.Nancy from now on
2.Disappointing diamonds are the rarest of them all
3.Chateau lobby #4 (In C for two virgins)
4.Goodbye Mr. Blue
5.When you're smiling and astride me
6.Mr. Tillman
7.Things it would have been helpful to know before the revolution
8.Please don't die
9.I'm writing a novel
10.Real love baby
11.Buddy's rendezvous
12.Total entertainment forever
13.Hollywood forever cemetery sings
14.Holy shit
15.Pure comedy
16.I love you, honeybear
17.I guess time just makes fools of us all

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Greatish hits: I followed my dreams and my dreams said to crawl es el título de un álbum recopilatorio de Father John Misty. Incluye una única canción nueva I guess time just makes fools of us all.

Sub Pop publica la compilación en formato físico el 16 de agosto de 2024. Disponible en iTunes y Spotify el 31 de julio de 2024.

- En Spotify

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