Musicalia > Johnny Cash > Out among the stars > She used to love me a lot
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She used to love me a lot

Out among the stars
Johnny Cash
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John Hillcoat dirige el videoclip de la grabación inédita de Johnny Cash: She used to love me a lot. Se incluye en un disco titulado Out among the stars.

Grabado en un mes en Estados Unidos, el trabajo de Hillcoat ofrece una "impertérrita visión de los temas que han inspirado a Cash a lo largo de toda su carrera, y da vida a la emotiva e inquietante letra de 'She used to love me a lot'".

"En 'She used to love me a lot' se concentra toda la genialidad que caracteriza a Cash. La simplicidad honesta y la honda convicción de su interpretación, brilla a través de la grabación", dice Hillcoat. "La letra parece hablar al país actual, a la nación que lo amó y la enorme indiferencia contra la que siempre luchó. Esta indiferencia no ha hecho más que crecer exponencialmente desde que él murió, así que quisimos mostrar este lado duro de EEUU, y como homenaje al motivo por el cual Cash siempre vestía de negro: el creciente número de marginados y 'outsiders'. Al mismo tiempo, queríamos hacer referencia a la lucha de este gran hombre y el trayecto recorrido desde el amor de su vida hasta los restos de su casa en el lago después del tristemente célebre incendio, fotografías personales, la cueva donde intentó quitarse la vida pero después cambió el rumbo de las cosas, el lugar donde grabó por última vez y su última foto antes de morir".

Audio Vídeo


I saw her through the window today
She was sittin' in the Silver Spoon cafe
I started to keep going
But something made me stop
She used to love me a lot

She looked lonely and I knew the cure
Old memories would win her heart for sure
I thought I'd walk on in
And I give it my best shot
She used to love me a lot

I sat down beside her and she smiled
She said where have you been it's been awhile
She was glad to see me
I could almost read her thoughts
She used to love me a lot

She used to love me with a love that wouldn't die
Looking at her now I can't believe I said good-bye
It would only take a minute to turn back the clock
She used to love me a lot

I remember how good it was back then
And I said it's not to late to start again
We could spend a night together
Take up where we left off
She used to love me a lot

Then I panicked as she turned to walk away
As she went out the door I heard her say
Yes I'm in need of something
But it's something you ain't got
But I used to love you a lot

I thought she loved me with a love that wouldn't die
Looking at her now I can't believe she said good-bye
She just left me stading in there, I never been so shocked
She used to love me a lot
She used to love me a lot
She used to love me a lot ...

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