Musicalia > Nada Surf > Moon mirror > Second skin
Destacado: 'Viva Hinds' es el 4º álbum de Hinds, primero como dúo con Carlotta Cosials y Ana Perrote

Second skin

Moon mirror
Nada Surf
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Second skin es el corte de apertura y el focus track del álbum Moon mirror de Nada Surf (2024). Estreno del video oficial dirigido por Spencer Gentz el 13 de septiembre de 2024, coincidiendo con la salida del disco.



i didn't show you
i was wearing a porcelain coat
you didn't know me completely
i didn't let you know
i'd excuse myself for five minutes
to rub myself up against a tree
and get this second layer
off of me

i'm tired of living
in this second skin
i want to let everything in
i don't want to compare myself
i don't want to be someone else

i tried so many new and old tricks
to die and self-improve
from divining with dead sticks
to fallen yogi hot moves
but what i found i learned from no
book up on the shelf
is to watch the thief of time
and learn to trick myself

i don't want to leave
my brand new skin
it's made of leaves
it's strong and thin
i waited for it every day
i wake up and it goes away

heaven on earth
is quiet and it's dark
heaven on earth
is daytime in a city park
this apartment building floats
on a humming sea
under the floorboards
under you and me

i don't want to leave
my brand new skin
it's made of leaves
it's strong and thin
i waited for it every day
i wake up and it goes away
i'm never gonna leave
my brand new skin
it's part of me, it's strong and thin
i waited for it night and day
i wake up and i'll stay

* Las letras de canciones están protegidas por las leyes de derechos de autor y son propiedad de sus respectivos titulares. En se utilizan exclusivamente para promocionar e informar sobre los trabajos de los artistas