Musicalia > Nick Lowe > Indoor safari > Different kind of blue
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Different kind of blue

Indoor safari
Nick Lowe
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Different kind of blue es la novena pista y uno de los adelantos del disco Indoor safari de Nick Lowe (2024). Estreno del video con letra dirigido por Nathan Golub el 17 de julio de 2024.



I know this kind of feeling
I’ve had to sit it out a time or two
Usually it comes around
When dawn’s cruel light’s breaking through
But over you
It’s a different kind of blue

Sad to say when it comes around these days
It’s like an old friend
That’s moved into my address
In a fog of hopelessness without end
Over you
It’s a different kind of blue
Over you
I’m a different kind of blue

I’m lonely and I miss you grievously
In the night especially
Wondering over you
I know they say what’s done is done
And so if the love is gone
Move along
That’s the grown-up thing to do

I know this kind of feeling
I’ve had to sit it out a time or two
Usually it comes around
When dawn’s cruel light’s breaking through
Sad to say when it comes around these days
It’s like an old friend
Over you
It’s a different kind of blue
Over you
A different kind of blue
Different kind of blue this time
Different kind of blue
Different kind of blue

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