Musicalia > Squid > Cowards > Building 650
Destacado: 'From zero' es el disco de regreso de Linkin Park

Building 650

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Building 650 es la segunda pista y el segundo adelanto del álbum Cowards de Squid (2025). Un tema creado según comenta el vocalista Ollie Judge, bajo el influjo del primer viaje del grupo a Japón. Con un video dirigido por Felix Geen, Daisuke Hasegawa, y Kuya Tatsujo, estrenado el 9 de octubre de 2025.



Show me around, show me around, show me around
All the noble gas just powers the town
Frank’s my friend
He’s my friend
We are friends
There’s murder sometimes
But he’s a real nice guy
Well Frank’s my friend
We tie them up

A flame could met
His nose and mouth
A flame could melt
Almost anything
A shopping mall
Some kerosene
Light the shoes
‘Cos i’ve seen rarer things
Like a murderer
Saying lovely things

A flame could met
His nose and mouth
A flame could melt
Almost anything
Those plastic foods
On the windowsill
There is no taste
Just an empty gaze

Frank’s my friend
No true American

No true American
No true American
The lights are on in building 650
The lights are red, where we go

Frank’s my friend
No true American
Frank’s my friend
No true American

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