Musicalia > The Streets > None of us are getting out of this life alive
Destacado: 'From zero' es el disco de regreso de Linkin Park

None of us are getting out of this life alive

Hip-hop - Rap

Fecha de publicación del disco: 10 de julio de 2020

1.Call my phone thinking I'm doing nothing better - con Tame Impala
2.None of us are getting out of this life alive - con IDLES
3.I wish you loved you as much as you love him - con Donae'O y Greentea Peng
4.You can't afford me - con Ms Banks
5.I know something you did - con Jesse James Solomon
6.Eskimo ice - con Kasien
7.Phone is always in my hand - con Dapz on the Map
8.The poison I take hoping you will suffer - con Oscar #Worldpeace
9.Same direction - con Jimothy Lacoste
10.Falling down - con Hak Baker
11.Conspiracy theory freestyle - con Rob Harvey
12.Take me as I am - con Chris Lorenzo

Incluye Call my phone thinking I'm doing nothing better
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None of us are getting out of this life alive es una mixtape de The Streets, con colaboraciones de IDLES, Ms Banks, Jimothy Lacoste, Hak Baker, y más. Tame Impala participa en el primer anticipo, Call my phone thinking I'm doing nothing better. Da continuidad I wish you loved you as much as you love him.

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