Musicalia > Jasmine Thompson > Adore > Adore
Destacado: 'From zero' es el disco de regreso de Linkin Park


Jasmine Thompson
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Adore es el primer single del EP (2015) del mismo título de Jasmine Thompson. Un tema lanzado en formato digital el 12 de junio de 2015, coincidiendo con el estreno del videoclip dirigido por Young Astronauts.


Come to me and I shall give you peace
Come to me lay down your head
Touch the rain and feel the summer breeze
Say the things we've never said

I will keep you from the world outside
I will never let you go
I will be the thing you dream about
Come to me and you will know

I adored you before I laid my eyes I laid my eyes on you
l'amour toujours I just can't take my eyes can't take my eyes off you

Follow me to where the rivers meet
Tell me I belong to you
Feel the grass crumble beneath your feet
Set me free and let me loose

Take my heart for it is yours to keep
Shackle my spirit to you
You are mine and mine eternally
Come to me you always knew

I adored you before I laid my eyes I laid my eyes on you
l'amour toujours I just can't take my eyes can't take my eyes off you

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