Musicalia > Harry Connick, Jr. > That would be me
Destacado: 'Si abro los ojos no es real' es el tercer disco de Amaia Romero

That would be me


Fecha de publicación del disco: 23 de octubre de 2015

1.(I like it when you) Smile
2.(I do) Like we do
3.Tryin' to matter
5.Do you really need her
6.You don't need a man
7.You have no idea
8.Where prisoners drown
9.(I think I) Love you a little bit
10.Every time i fall in love
11.Right where it hurts

Incluye (I do) Like we do y (I like it when you) Smile
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That would be me es un álbum de Harry Connick, Jr.. Como avances (I do) Like we do y (I like it when you) Smile.

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