Musicalia > Niki & The Dove > Everybody's heart is broken now
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Everybody's heart is broken now


Fecha de publicación del disco: 8 de abril de 2016

1.So much it hurts
2.You stole my heart away
3.You want the sun
4.Play it on my radio
5.Scar for love
6.Lost UB
7.Coconut kiss
8.Brand new
9.Miami beach
10.Pretty babies
11.Everybody wants to be you
12.Shark city (Tropico X)
13.Ode to dance floor
[deluxe edition]
15.Lady friend
16.Sister brother mother father
17.Sunset tyger

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Everybody's heart is broken now es el segundo álbum de Niki & The Dove, formación sueca compuesta por Malin Dahlström (voz) y Gustaf Karlöf (teclas).

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