Musicalia > Belle and Sebastian > What to look for in summer
Destacado: 'Nave dragon' es el nuevo álbum de Lola Indigo

What to look for in summer

Pop-Rock - Alternativa - Indie

Fecha de publicación del disco: 11 de diciembre de 2020

1.The song of the Clyde
2.Dirty dream number two
3.Step into my office, baby
4.We were beautiful
5.Seeing other people
6.If she wants me
7.Beyond the sunrise
8.Wrapped up in books
9.Little Lou, ugly Jack, prophet John
10.Nice day for a sulk - solo digital
11.I can see your future
12.Funny little frog
13.The fox in the snow
14.If you're feeling sinister
15.My wandering days are over
16.The wrong girl
17.Stay loose
18.The boy done wrong again
19.Poor boy
20.Dog on wheels
21.The boy with the arab strap
22.I didn't see it coming
23.Belle and Sebastian

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Belle and Sebastian: What to look for in summer - portada mediana
El disco te parece que es:

What to look for in summer es un álbum en directo de Belle and Sebastian. Con actuaciones de la gira de 2019.

Como avances The boy with the arab strap y My wandering days are over.

- En Spotify
- En YouTube

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