Musicalia > Bonnie Raitt > Just like that… > Made up mind
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Made up mind es la pista de apertura y primer anticipo del disco Just like that… de Bonnie Raitt (2022). Estreno del video con letra el 25 de febrero de 2022.


It starts out slow
With go ahead and go
Pretty soon the melody is like a rainstorm tin roof symphony
But it starts out slow
It goes on and on
For way too long
It always ends on a bad note
If you could dance at all you'd dance alone
It goes on and on

The quiet behind a slamming door
The break of a heart that won't break no more
Get-away wheels in a straight line
Serenade of a made up mind

There ain't no rhyme
Just wasted time
Moonlight spotlight shining down on
A made up mind and a love gone wrong
There ain't no rhyme

The quiet behind a slamming door
The break of a heart that won't break no more
Get-away wheels in a straight line
Serenade of a made up mind

The quiet behind a slamming door
The break of a heart that won't break no more
Get-away wheels in a straight line
Serenade of a made up mind

Of a made up mind

Moonlight spotlight shining down on a made up mind

Moonlight spotlight shining down on a made up mind and a love gone wrong

Moonlight spotlight shining down on a made up mind and a love gone wrong

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