Musicalia > Brittany Howard > Jaime > Stay high
Destacado: 'Sentient' es un álbum retrospectivo lleno de pasión de Carlos Santana
El disco te parece que es:

Stay high es la cuarta pista y segundo adelanto de Jaime el álbum debut en solitario de Brittany Howard (2019).

La canción cuenta con un vídeo dirigido por Kim Gehrig, y protagonizado por Terry Crews, rodado en Athens, Alabama. Estreno 15 de julio de 2019.

El 20 de julio de 2021 se estrena la Childish Gambino Version para Jaime reimagined (2021).


I already feel like doing it again, honey
Cuz once you know, then you know and you don't wanna go
Back to wherever it is that you come from, yeah

I just want to stay high with you

Cuz where I come from everybody frowns and walks around with that ugly thing on their face
And where I come from we work hard and grind and hustle all day (yes! we do!)
There comes a time
There comes a time at night where we get to play
And we smile and laugh
And jump and clap and
Yell and holler and just feel great!

I just want to stay high with you

So, don't question my state of mind
I'm doing wonderful just fine, thank you. (Thank you!)
Everything is everything and everything is beautiful
(How did you get like that?)
See all I do is keep it cool and don't worry bout what everyone is doing

I already feel like doing it again, honey!

I just want to stay high with you

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