Musicalia > David Bowie > Conversation piece
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Conversation piece


Fecha de publicación del disco: 15 de noviembre de 2019

[CD 1: Home Demos]
1.April's Tooth Of Gold - 2:29
2.The Reverend Raymond Brown (Attends the Garden Fête on Thatchwick Green) - 2:15
3.When I'm Five - 3:18
4.Mother Grey - 3:00
5.In The Heat Of The Morning - 2:59
6.Goodbye 3d (Threepenny Joe - 3:19
7.Love All Around - 2:49
8.London Bye, Ta-Ta - 3:31
9.Angel Angel Grubby Face (version 1 - 2:31
10.Angel Angel Grubby Face (version 2 - 2:37
11.Animal Farm - 2:21
12.Space Oddity (solo demo fragment - 2:39
13.Space Oddity (version 1) with John 'Hutch' Hutchinson - 4:02
14.Space Oddity (version 2) with John 'Hutch' Hutchinson - 5:00
15.Space Oddity (version 3) with John 'Hutch' Hutchinson - 5:10
16.Lover To The Dawn with John 'Hutch' Hutchinson - 3:50
17.Ching-a-Ling with John 'Hutch' Hutchinson - 2:58
18.An Occasional Dream with John 'Hutch' Hutchinson - 2:49
19.Let Me Sleep Beside You with John 'Hutch' Hutchinson - 2:54
20.Life Is A Circus with John 'Hutch' Hutchinson - 4:50
21.Conversation Piece - 3:47
22.Jerusalem - 4:19
23.Hole In The Ground with George Underwood - 3:29

[CD 2 - Mercury Demos con John Hutch Hutchinson]
1.Space Oddity - 5:28
2.Janine - 3:53
3.An Occasional Dream - 3:18
4.Conversation Piece - 3:31
5.Ching-a-Ling - 3:35
6.I'm Not Quite (aka Letter To Hermione) - 4:00
7.Lover To The Dawn - 5:01
8.Love Song - 4:08
9.When I'm Five - 3:13
10.Life Is A Circus - 5:33

[CD 3: Conversation pieces (Mono)]
1.In The Heat Of The Morning (Decca mono version) - 2:51
2.London Bye, Ta-Ta (Decca alternative version) - 2:36
[BBC Top Gear radio session with the Tony Visconti Orchestra, recorded 13th May, 1968]
1.In The Heat Of The Morning - 3:01
2.London Bye, Ta-Ta - 2:39
3.Karma Man - 3:07
4.When I'm Five - 3:14
5.Silly Boy Blue - 4:32
6.Ching-a-Ling - 2:51
7.Space Oddity (Morgan Studios version – alternative take) - 4:22 - with John 'Hutch' Hutchinson
8.Space Oddity (U.K. single edit) - 4:42
9.Wild Eyed Boy From Freecloud (single B-side – mono mix) - 4:54
10.Janine (mono mix) - 3:23
11.Conversation Piece - 3:06
[BBC Dave Lee Travis Show radio session, recorded 20th October, 1969]
1.Let Me Sleep Beside You - 3:20
2.Unwashed And Somewhat Slightly Dazed - 4:03
3.Janine - 3:03

[CD 4 - 1969 stereo mixes The original David Bowie (aka Space Oddity) album]
1.Space Oddity - 5:14
2.Unwashed and Somewhat Slightly Dazed (inc. Don't Sit Down) - 6:51
3.Letter To Hermione - 2:32
4.Cygnet Committee - 9:31
5.Janine - 3:21
6.An Occasional Dream - 2:54
7.Wild Eyed Boy From Freecloud - 4:46
8.God Knows I'm Good - 3:17
9.Memory Of A Free Festival - 7:09
[The Extras]
1.Wild Eyed Boy From Freecloud (single B-side stereo mix) - 4:56
2.Letter To Hermione (early mix) - 2:32
3.Janine (early mix) - 3:23
4.An Occasional Dream (early mix) - 2:54
5.Ragazzo Solo, Ragazza Sola (full length version) - 5:14

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David Bowie: Conversation piece - portada mediana
5 CDs + Libro
El disco te parece que es:

Conversation piece es un libro-disco de David Bowie con 5CDs y 120 páginas que ilustran el desarpoprollo artístico del artista entre los años 1968 y 1969, a través de sus demos caseras, sesiones de radio de la BBC, grabaciones de estudio junto a John 'Hutch' Hutchinson y el grupo de música experimental y mimo, Feathers.

Celebra también los 50 años del lanzamiento del single "Space oddity" y del segundo álbum de David Bowie (de título homónimo, conocido como "Space oddity").

Se incluyen doce grabaciones / demos inéditas de ese período, así como una nueva mezcla del álbum "Space oddity" de su productor y colaborador habitual, Tony Visconti.

[CD 5 - 2019 mixes (all previously unreleased) The Space Oddity album]
1.Space Oddity - 5:20
2.Unwashed and Somewhat Slightly Dazed- 6:18
3.Letter To Hermione - 2:32
4.Cygnet Committee - 9:28
5.Janine - 3:21
6.An Occasional Dream - 2:57
7.Wild Eyed Boy From Freecloud - 4:50
8.Conversation Piece - 3:11
9.God Knows I'm Good - 3:16
10.Memory Of A Free Festival - 7:14
[The Extras]
1.Wild Eyed Boy From Freecloud (single version) - 4:59
2.Ragazzo Solo, Ragazza Sola - 5:20

Las partes del lanzamiento Conversation piece de David Bowie

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