Musicalia > Dawes > Oh brother > House parties
Destacado: 'Moon music' es el décimo álbum de estudio de Coldplay

House parties

Oh brother
El disco te parece que es:

House parties es la quinta pista y el primer adelanto del álbum Oh brother de Dawes (2024). Estreno del video oficial el 17 de julio de 2024.



The next on our list is the M&M store
Then the Statue of Liberty
After FAO Schwartz
And as I carry the bags
I wonder what we’re doing this for
You don’t find the good stuff
On a guided tour

But house parties and local bands
Back porches w some Bowie fans
Spilled drinks on a baby grand
And midnight sing alongs
I don’t care for designer brands
Souvenirs from a trinket stand
House parties and local bands
That’s where I belong

This sunburn is bad
And it goes all the way down
And these drinks in the daytime
Are never quite as fun as they sound
These days at the beach
Feel more like just sitting around
So if anyone needs me
You know where I can be found

House parties and local bands
Good weed with some Joni fans
Old friends playing Mega Man
And a little Donkey Kong
I don’t wanna see Disneylands
Beer bellies and farmer tans
House parties and local bands
That’s where I belong

We’ve come to Chicago
At the wrong time of year
My eyelids are frozen
And I can’t feel my ears
It’s not that I don’t like museums
But we live near a few
If you want the real thing
You know what you gotta do

House parties and local bands
Someone yelling at Kanye fans
“How can you possibly stand that man
After all he’s done?”
I don’t care about Paul Gauguin
A Starry Night or The Son Of Man
House parties and local bands
That’s where I belong

* Las letras de canciones están protegidas por las leyes de derechos de autor y son propiedad de sus respectivos titulares. En se utilizan exclusivamente para promocionar e informar sobre los trabajos de los artistas