Musicalia > Elton John > Peachtree Road
Destacado: 'Todo es posible en Navidad' para David Bisbal

Peachtree Road


Fecha de publicación del disco: 8 de noviembre de 2004

1.The weight of the world
2.Porch swing in Tupelo
3.Answer in the sky
4.Turn the lights out when you leave
5.My exclusive drug
6.They call her the Cat
7.Freaks in love
8.All that I'm allowed (I'm thankful)
9.I stop and I breathe
10.Too many tears
11.It's getting dark in here
12.Can't keep this from you

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Elton John: Peachtree Road - portada mediana
En honor a una famosa calle de Atlanta
El disco te parece que es:

Peachtree Road es el vigésimo octavo disco de Elton John, nombre que ha adoptado en honor a una famosa calle de Atlanta (Georgia), lugar de residencia habitual del artista y donde el disco ha sido grabado.

Como primeros singles están Answer in the sky y All that I'm allowed (I'm thankful), este segundo es el que presenta el disco en Europa.

Nuestra opinión: (Hugo Fernández)
Elton John parece enfadado con la industria y con el mundo. Desafortunadamente es noticia más por hechos que no tienen que ver con sus canciones.

Es contradictorio que un disco que ni el mismo quiere promocionar, sea uno de los mejores del 2004, aunque algunos no quieran admitirlo... Un álbum en el que coinciden temas como Weight of the world, Porch swing in Tupelo, Answer in the sky, All that I'm allowed y Too many tears merece un gran respeto. Es fantástico poder escuchar nuevas canciones a la altura de una de las carreras musicales más importantes de los últimos 30 años.

Ese piano, esas melodías que solo sabe componer y cantar Elton John, deben pasar a la historia con Peachtree Road.

Letra "All That I'm Allowed (I'm Thankful)"
Música de Elton John
Letras de Bernie Taupin

Breaking down never seems to be that hard
Falling short is always in the cards
I'm on the road, sunrise is at my back
Lost it all somewhere between the cracks

I always hoped that I'd do better
That I'd come out on top for once
We all get what we're delivered
Then there are the lucky ones

And I've got all that I'm allowed
It'll do for me, I'm thankful now
The walls get higher every day
The barriers get in the way
But I see hope in every cloud
And I'm thankful, thankful
I'm thankful, So thankful
I'm thankful, I've got all that I'm allowed

Leaving town gets to feel just like a job
My desire never winds up on top
I can say now I didn't want the moon
It's out of reach somewhere beyond this room

I always hoped that I'd do better
That I'd come out on top for once
We all get what we're delivered
Then there are the lucky ones

And I've got all that I'm allowed
It'll do for me, I'm thankful now
The walls get higher every day
The barriers get in the way
But I see hope in every cloud
And I'm thankful, thankful
I'm thankful, so thankful
I'm thankful, I've got all that I'm allowed

I always try to make things clear
Then I watched as progress starts
I only hope I'm standing here
When heaven finally comes to call

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