Musicalia > Leonard Cohen > Thanks for the dance > Thanks for the dance
Destacado: 'Mayhem' es el nuevo álbum de estudio de Lady Gaga
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Thanks for the dance es la pista titular de un álbum póstumo de Leonard Cohen (2020).

La fotógrafa londinense Harley Weir es la artista contemporánea invitada por NOWNESS para compartir su interpretación artística de la canción. "Soy una gran admiradora de Leonard Cohen", dice Weir. "Sus letras son tan crudas, y sin embargo, tan cálidas. Me siento honrada de ser parte de su legado". El tapiz lírico de Weir entrelaza tótems visuales para el nacimiento, el crecimiento y la muerte a través de los cuales la actriz estadounidense Rowan Blanchard (Girl Meets World/The Goldbergs) interpreta a una novia atrapada entre el dolor de la transición y la promesa del renacimiento. Se suma al reparto la modelo, actriz y empresaria británica Lily Cole, al estilo de la Venus de Botticelli y rodeada por un trío de bebés para conjurar una imagen de amor, fertilidad y nueva vida. Estreno del audiovisual el 24 de febrero de 2020.



Thanks for the dance
I'm sorry you're tired
The evening has hardly begun
Thanks for the dance
Try to look inspired
One two three, one two three one

There's a rose in your hair
Your shoulders are bare
You've been wearing this costume forever

So turn up the music
Pour out the wine
Stop at the surface
The surface is fine
We don't need to go any deeper

Thanks for the dance
I hear that we're married
One two three, one two three one
Thanks for the dance
And the baby you carried
It was almost a daughter or a son

And there's nothing to do
But to wonder if you
Are as hopeless as me
And as decent

We're joined in the spirit
Joined at the hip
Joined in the panic
Wondering if
We've come to some sort
Of agreement

It was fine it was fast
We were first we were last
In line at the Temple of Pleasure
But the green was so green
And the blue was so blue
I was so I
And you were so you
The crisis was light
As a feather

Thanks for the dance
It was hell, it was swell,
It was fun
Thanks for all the dances
One two three, one two three one

* Las letras de canciones están protegidas por las leyes de derechos de autor y son propiedad de sus respectivos titulares. En se utilizan exclusivamente para promocionar e informar sobre los trabajos de los artistas