Musicalia > Nathaniel Rateliff > South of here > Get used to the night
Destacado: 'Sentient' es un álbum retrospectivo lleno de pasión de Carlos Santana

Get used to the night

South of here
Nathaniel Rateliff
El disco te parece que es:

Get used to the night es la cuarta pista y uno de los anticipos del álbum South of here de Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats (2024). Estreno del video con letra el 7 de junio de 2024.


I used to get around
You found one way
One to get a round and one to get through
I’ll feel tonight like so many lost days
I used to stay at home and writhe in my bed
Wish I could retire
Are you still hard with
I used to do cartwheels to land on my head

I used to know it all
Now I can’t remember much man
Used to be a proud fucking fool
You run ahead and I’ll catch up man
Still so much left for me to do
Get used to the night

This ain’t your town
Going wrong down a one way
Ya I gotta hide myself from the storm
I don’t know how long I will
But you found someway
One to get around and one to get through

Used to do it all but I ain’t got the mind now
Just feel tied up and used
It could be said that I used to have something
I used to be you

Get used to the night
Get used to the night
Get used to the night
Get used to the night

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