Musicalia > Pixies > The night the zombies came > Motoroller
Destacado: 'Viva Hinds' es el 4º álbum de Hinds, primero como dúo con Carlotta Cosials y Ana Perrote
El disco te parece que es:

Motoroller es la séptima pista y uno de los adelantos del álbum The night the zombies came de Pixies (2024). Estreno del video con letra el 16 de septiembre de 2024.


first you run outta time
then you run outta space
it's like watching a line erased
first your tongue is tied
then your words collide
just right when you found your place
first you run outta time
then you run outta space
it was a very good line

I rode my scooter 'round Berlin
I washed away all my sin
I tried to call you on the telephone
and now I gotta do this all alone
first you run outta time
then you run outta space
it was a very good line

first you run outta time
then you run outta space
it's like watching a line erased
first your tongue is tied
then your words collide
just right when you found your place
first you run outta time
then you run outta space
it was a very good line

they killed it dead at Mason hall
I hit my head against the wall
we tried to play it on the saxophone
we tried to play it but that shit was blown
first you run outta time
then you run outta space
it was a very good line

first you run outta time
then you run outta space
it's like watching a line erased

first you run outta time
then you run outta space
it's like watching a line erased

* Las letras de canciones están protegidas por las leyes de derechos de autor y son propiedad de sus respectivos titulares. En se utilizan exclusivamente para promocionar e informar sobre los trabajos de los artistas