Musicalia > Rob Zombie > The lunar injection kool aid eclipse conspiracy
Destacado: 'Todo es posible en Navidad' para David Bisbal

The lunar injection kool aid eclipse conspiracy

Hard Rock

Fecha de publicación del disco: 12 de marzo de 2021

1.Expanding the head of Zed
2.The triumph of king freak (A crypt of preservation and superstition)
3.The ballad of sleazy rider
4.Hovering over the dull earth
5.Shadow of the cemetery man
6.A brief static hum and then the radio blared
7.18th century cannibals, excitable morlocks and a one-way ticket on the ghost train
8.The eternal struggles of the howling man
9.The much talked of metamorphosis
10.The satanic rites of Blacula
11.Shower of stones
12.Shake your ass-smoke your grass
14.What you gonna do with that gun mama
15.Get loose
16.The serenity of witches
17.Crow killer blues

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Rob Zombie: The lunar injection kool aid eclipse conspiracy - portada mediana
Incluye The triumph of king freak
El disco te parece que es:

The lunar injection kool aid eclipse conspiracy es un álbum de Rob Zombie. 17 pistas con The triumph of king freak (A crypt of preservation and superstition) como primer avance.

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