Musicalia > PDLIF
Destacado: 'Sentient' es un álbum retrospectivo lleno de pasión de Carlos Santana


Bon Iver

PDLIF (Please don't live in fear) es una canción de Bon Iver.

El 100% de los ingresos por el streaming dirigidos a la organización de ayuda humanitaria Direct Relief.

Estreno 17 de abril de 2020.

El 11 de mayo de 2020 se estrena un vídeo oficial (con letra), creado, producido y dirigido por Aaron Anderson y Eric Timothy Carlson.


[Estrofa 1: Bon Iver]
Please don't live in fear
We can't see from here right now
Send it off from here
And free your mind

[Estribillo: Kacy Hill]
You know it never stays the same
And they will never tell you you're all to blame

[Estrofa 2: Bon Iver & Kacy Hill]
So you wanted it rearranged
And you wish it was only a shame
(At this stage)
(All we can say)
All there is really to say
We are at the beginning again
But oh
How things can change
So don't you, so don't you, don't you
So don't you run away!
Think we on the wrong track somehow
Well I'm not going to tell you that everyone's safe
I will say
There will be a better day
There will be a better day (There will be a better day)
There will be a better day

[Puente: Bon Iver]
I'd be good to fall back
Think we on the wrong track somehow
I'd be good to fall back
Think we on the wrong track somehow

[Pre-Estribillo: Bon Iver]
There's several ways to know better
Papa was a go-getter (Papa was a go-getter, getter)

[Estribillo: Kacy Hill]
You know it never stays the same
And they will never tell you you're all to blame

[Outro: Bon Iver]
Please don't live in fear

* Las letras de canciones están protegidas por las leyes de derechos de autor y son propiedad de sus respectivos titulares. En se utilizan exclusivamente para promocionar e informar sobre los trabajos de los artistas